
Saturday, November 18, 2006

UM vs. OSU showdown at summer camp

I think today's big game is a lot like when the poor kids with no money but lots of spirit have a race with the rich kids from across the lake on the last day of summer camp.

Michigan's got a consistently good football team and an excellent hospital, business school, and college of engineering, whereas Ohio State has the football team Sure, they win at football every year, but this is really all they have. Like the poor kids at summer camp, even if they win, it's just one victory. If Michigan loses, we're still better off in general, so stop freaking out about the damn game, everyone.

Also, Ohio State fans are generally assholes, so it's like the poor kids at summer camp are all cocks, too, so to hell with them and the dirt on their faces.


Some friends of mine went down to Ohio State for the game. One of their friends, a woman in her early 20s of average height, got punched in the stomach on her way back from the bathroom at OSU's stadium. Then the woman-puncher took her cell phone and threw it into the street, where it was promptly run over. Shit, I guess OSU's football team really is better than Michigan's.

I mean, I've never punched a woman in the stomach, but then again, I'm not really that into sports.

UPDATE FROM THE FUTURE: Some googling brought me to this blog post, which supports what I've heard. Looks like Cedar Point is still the only good thing in Ohio.

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