Instant messaging is not manly
Some teenagers take the internet too seriously. That guy from two days ago, the one who insulted my technology when he got mad, IMed me with, 'ya i like how u talk shit on ur away mesage bt ur not man enough to talk shit to me.'
What 'ur not man enough to talk shit to me' really means is 'you're not man enough to send electronic messages to me over the internet.' Yeah, that pretty much defines manliness.
Like remember that scene in 300 when those totally badass Spartans sent text messages to Xerxes and they were like 'fuck u' and Xerxes texted back and said, 'lol u spartans r tough omg.'
Neither do I. Stop taking the internet seriously, you douche bag.
The other obvious reason why the Spartans in 300 didn't send a text message to Xerxes is because you can't get a goddamn signal in that valley where Spartans kill people. Also, it's the past.
What 'ur not man enough to talk shit to me' really means is 'you're not man enough to send electronic messages to me over the internet.' Yeah, that pretty much defines manliness.
Like remember that scene in 300 when those totally badass Spartans sent text messages to Xerxes and they were like 'fuck u' and Xerxes texted back and said, 'lol u spartans r tough omg.'
Neither do I. Stop taking the internet seriously, you douche bag.
The other obvious reason why the Spartans in 300 didn't send a text message to Xerxes is because you can't get a goddamn signal in that valley where Spartans kill people. Also, it's the past.
Labels: 300, AIM convos, manliness, Spartans, stupid people, text messages
"I hear their archers blot out the sun."
"Then we text in the shade."
BTW, I think there was at least roaming signal available in Thermopylae.
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