
Friday, September 01, 2006

A random conversation at Wendy's

The other day I was at Wendy's ordering breakfast when a large utility worker with small, beady eyes asked me what I was studying.
'Just graduated. Psychology.'
'You should have gone into sign language. This lady I know, she teaches that and makes 100 grand a year, easy. Easy.'
'Yeah, she teaches driver's ed to foreign people.'
'Yeah, the other day she had to fail one of those ladies who wears those things on their heads. She couldn't see to the side, so she failed.'
'You shouldn't wear that stuff on your head anyway. Why do you even have pretty hair if you're just going to cover it up?'

During our conversation (monologue?) I was able to both order and receive my food, while he just stood there and said whatever came to mind. He wasn't even eating at Wendy's that morning.


It's possible that every morning he approaches a student and says 'Hey, what are you studying? Because sign language will make you rich and I don't know about other cultures. K bye.'

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