
Friday, August 11, 2006

Exciting Facebook pictures and your boring life

With social networking sites like Facebook, your friends can share pictures of themselves doing exciting things to make you hate your own life.

Your friends can log on and upload photos of themselves touring London or camping in South America so that people across the globe can see how shitty their lives are in comparison.

To compete with these pictures, I'm going to photograph what I've been doing. I'll post page after page of me surfing the web at work, getting free black and white printing, and doing other awesome work stuff.

Screw your epic backpacking photos, Facebook friends. Do you get free coffee singles in the break room?

(dinner with Dad.)

The other day I saw that my buddy Drew had gone to Honduras. He'd grown a wicked beard and appeared to be having the time of his life. Meanwhile, I looked at YouTube for a few hours, checked my email several dozen times, and told a guy where the stapler is.

On the other hand, Drew is probably pooping in a hole while I can use a toilet whenever I want. Nobody said life-changing experiences would have indoor plumbing.

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