
Thursday, January 25, 2007

Shaving cream on my toothbrush

You know you're too tired to function when you get out of the shower and squirt a huge glob of shaving cream onto your toothbrush.

There was that pause immediately after I did it, too. One where I realized what I had just done and then silently screamed '...fuck!' to myself.

It was like I woke up knowing I wouldn't have anything to say this morning, then my brain nudged me and said, 'Nah, don't worry about it, I've got your back.' Then five minutes later I'm standing there with shaving cream on my toothbrush thinking, 'I hate you, brain. I hate you with the fire of a thousand suns.'

Then my brain says, 'How can you hate me when all you're thinking about is what Bea Arthur looks like under all those old lady clothes...?'

Then I, realizing I'd just challenged my own brain to a fight I'd never win, unwillingly got a mental picture of Bea Arthur undressing as a look of horror spreads across face.


My away messages can get weird when I'm tired, but there's not much I can do about that. My brain likes to anthropomorphize things.

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