
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

If you show a hobo porn...

The other day I was showing a homeless guy a sexy picture of the topless redhead on the motorcycle. He had asked me if I could get pictures of women 'on that thing' (referring either to my computer or the internet), so naturally I said, 'Of course you can get pictures of women here,' then I waved my arms all around me, because that's where the internet is.

I guess I thought that if I showed him enough sexy women he'd say, 'Thank you, good sir, I appreciate your assistance' and then he'd kindly leave the computer lab and take a bath. Instead, he just sat there even longer and waited for me to bring up
more pictures.

I guess what I learned is this: You show a hobo porn, he can beat off for a day, but teach a hobo to find his own porn, he can beat off forever. In public.

(work party.)

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