
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Cut hair by faith

I picked up a Christian newspaper from the train station last time I was there, and let me tell you, it's hilarious.

This magazine is what happens when you take Christian values to the Mountain Dew X-treme. There's a section called 'Terri Watch', which is all about the Schiavo case (even after they've long since discovered she was severely brain damaged). There's also stuff that tries to be hip, like a music review section which seems to praise every Christian CD ever. Apparently if you say you don't like Christian music, people might think you hate God, too.

The ads include the Lord as well! An ad for Julius Barber Shop states 'We cut hair by faith, not by sight.' What the fuck does that mean? I don't want some Daredevil-lookin' jerk cutting my hair no matter how much he loves the bible.

I'll cover more on this later, as I'm going to work at 11:30 because I need money more than a night's sleep.




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