
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Great, another entry about poop

Anne O' Nym's palatial estate has 7 bathrooms. I had no idea rich people spent that much time pooping.

I guess when you have enough money you can take a dump with variety. Although when you're poor, you've got to mix it up, too. If your toilet's clogged and you can't afford to call a plumber, sometimes you poop in the sink, or in your back yard!

Hooray pooping!

(work 'til 11:30.)

This away message prompted my buddy Future to tell me a story about how today he saw a homeless man pinch off a loaf on the side of Woodward Ave. in Detroit. Funny how my friend's mansion gets me to create an open forum on places people can poop. One second I'm saying "There are toilets everywhere!" and the next I'm reading a story about a homeless man squatting behind a bush near a main road.

We call him Future because at one point we believed he didn't have one, only now he's in med school, so I feel like we should call him something else. I figure we won't be able to give him another nickname until he graduates, becomes a respected doctor, and inevitably gets caught feeling up a patient during surgery. He can stay Future for now, but that's only because he'll be Fondler within 5 years.

Enjoy your cool nickname while you can, Future, because soon you'll accidentally bang an unconscious lady on an operating table, and then what? You're the Fondler, and that doesn't sound cool at all.

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Blogger Henry said...

Re: #1
Oh, it's better, believe me ;)

Re: #2
Sadly, I think you'd be very sneaky when fondling patients. You come from a sneaky people, Mr. Bernstein. Doctors, I mean.

Re: the above winking smiley face
I think that's the creepiest way to use a semicolon and left parenthesis. "OF COURSE it's better when a homeless woman poops." *WINK*

5:34 PM  

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