
Friday, February 02, 2007

You're somehow less creepy bringing a 12 year old boy with you

Yesterday there was a knock at my door, so I open it and there's a tall man standing next to a very bored looking child. The guy immediately jumps into his 'let's talk about God' speech, so I said I had to go, he gave me a pamphlet, and I closed the door. Run of the mill door-to-door God salesman, right?

Well then why he did bring a child with him?

Did he think walking around by himself would be creepy so he decided he'd be less creepy if he walked around with a 12 year old? The kid looked like he'd be happier selling magazines or, I don't know, not hanging out with an old guy all night.

The kid didn't seem to have any part in the guy's speech other than, 'Hi I'm Paul, this is a child, you want a fat bucket of God up in your bidness?'

Man, that guy sucked.


If you're going to sell me God, at least tell me the kid's leprosy was cured or something.

"Look at Timmy here. Looks healthy, huh? Well, would you believe that Timmy used to be a dragon? A dragon that was Jewish. Timmy used to be a big, scary Jewish dragon addicted to children's Tylenol. Now he's a boy, all because of the Bible. So, you in?"

And I'd say, "No thanks, but that was a lovely story." I'd even read that stupid pamphlet he handed me, provided it had some sweet dragon illustrations in it.

"Where'd you get that little dragon book?"
"A Christian, can you believe it?"

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Blogger Unknown said...

Oh, I get those people too. Except they are usually women who come with 7-year-old girls.

8:01 PM  

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