
Friday, April 14, 2006

Racial unity and cracker snatches

Two friends decided to visit me at 3am in the computer lab while I was working. Oh, and they were drunk.

So I tried to maintain balance between Professionalism and Not Telling Your Friends to Fuck Off, then we went to Bell's for pizza. However, the highlight of the evening was this:

My buddy Aaron Brown, who, coincidentally, is brown, wanted to see if some white girls would move if he walked down the sidewalk on their side, swinging his arms like a jackass.

He did so, they moved, and he called them racist. 'No, Aaron, it's not racist because you were in their way. It would be racist if you swung your elbows around and yelled 'gonna hit me some cracker snatch.'

So he laughed. Then he actually walked down the sidewalk singing, 'gonna hit me some cracker snatch.'

That's racial unity, right there: two people of different backgrounds walking down the street, joking about hitting one race in the vagina (with their elbows, somehow).

(Bed at 5am.)

Well that scared away any female readers I may have had. Or black readers. Or readers.

Though in cracker snatch's defense, cracker snatch sounds like a tasty after school treat.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never had cracker snatch when I was in school :(

2:24 PM  

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