
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Homeless lady's got commercials

There's this homeless lady who walks around Ann Arbor screaming to herself and let me tell you, it's incredible.

I'm not exactly sure how she operates. Yesterday I was walking past her while talking on the phone and she started yelling. She wasn't yelling directly AT me, but she was yelling like she wanted me to overhear her.

I was on the phone talking to my buddy Dan when I hear her yell, 'IT WAS A LOVELY TIME,' and I pause because I want to know what exactly was such a lovely time.

'ARRGH THAT BITCH!' she yelled next. Hmmm. Maybe it wasn't a lovely time.

Then she walked past me and yelled, I shit you not, 'AFLAC!'

This woman entertains me more than most TV shows, but hearing that last part got me to think, 'Ah shit, she's got commercials, the most capitalist of homeless person disorders.'


I have to wonder when she saw a commercial for Aflac. When does a schizophrenic homeless person find the time to watch television or listen to the radio enough to hear Gilbert Gottfried yelling "Aflac!"? Was she off-duty?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw her today eating a sandwich out of the garbage at the Union. Thank god she was eating and not yelling horrible things at me.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that lady. She sleeps under an alcove at the church on the corner of William and State. One time, she said (screamed, really) to no one in particular, "Why don't you just kill me?! I SLEEP ON THE STREET!"

9:07 AM  

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