
Monday, February 05, 2007

Inventive Birdseyes throughout history

You already know Clarence Birdseye invented the frozen food process, but what about the OTHER inventive Birdseyes?
1302 - Joseph Birdseye invents bees.
1742 - Ignatius Birdseye discovers the kiwi fruit, originally naming it 'the fruity camel testicle' (but changing it after copyright issues arose).
1864 - Gerald Birdseye debunks the popular myth that a woman cannot get pregnant if her male counterpart is wearing a top hat more than 6 inches tall
1912 - Walter Birdseye invents the twelve-pronged fork, which is received with little excitement.
2437 (and 1934) - Zervich Birdseye is the first human to go back in time just to fuck with people by lying about an apocalyptic event that must be prevented at all costs.


I thought I just made up the name Zervich for the first time because it's so goofy, but Google told me that apparently there are people out there who have the name Zervich and aren't from the future. OR ARE THEY?

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