
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Personality over looks, my ass

This morning the news reported that when polled, men claim to want a great personality instead of a nice body when looking for the ideal woman.

That survey didn't prove a goddamn thing. If anything, it just proves that when polled in a survey situation, men will report to want personality over looks. You want honest results? Have them fill out those survey scantrons with their penises.

The news just wanted to make people happy with this survey because nobody thinks they have a bad personality. They say 'guys want personality' and EVERY woman will think, 'whew, I'm desirable, even if I'm fat,' and then they'll feel better about themselves. least until they're thrown into a panic by the next headline, which is about the seven household items that may be giving you hepatitis while you sleep.


No man's ever had an intellectual discussion with a girl and then gotten really horny because she made a funny joke about Socrates. However, if she's already hot: bonus. If she's ulgy: then let's just talk online or something, funny ugly girl. I will accept your jokes as long as they do not involve eye contact.

Now I feel like any platonic lady friends that read this are going to suddenly get offended because I just said, "Ugly chicks, see you on the internet." A quick clarification before I end this post: I talk to most people I know on the internet, or so my overflowing buddy list would imply. If I talk to you online but we don't hang out, it's not because you're ugly. It's because the internet is a medium of communication that lets me talk to many, many people from anywhere in the world without me having to put pants on.

Also, you're ugly.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a shitty poll. Personality instead of attractiveness? As if you only get one? The results might be an honest answer in that case, but that's like a worst case scenario. Think about it. If you had a a beautiful woman who was a basketcase, or better yet, let's just assume dead, then while she might satisfy your fine and dandies, at the very least, you'd start to feel guilty, like - necrophiliac guilty. And that'd be a pretty quick downer. If I had to choose one at the expense of the other, I'd take personality, so long as it's not someone who looks like they suffer from a severe case of syphilis. Or is a zombie.

5:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zombies make for really bad sex partners.

Update, you son of a bitch!

10:36 AM  

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