
Friday, July 21, 2006

I hate the Ann Arbor Art Fair, Part 2: a vase made of dinosaur fossils

The Art Fair, as fun to browse as it is, isn't as fun if you're buying the art.

'Wow, sir, this is a nice bowl.'
'That's no bowl! It's a vase made out of dinosaur fossils!'
'Sorry, my mistake. Well, the price tag says it's 8 dollars. I'll take it?'
'Where does it say it's 8 dollars?'
'Right there, on this tag.'
'That's an infinity sign.'
' going to get a funnel cake now.'

Another thing: If Art is supposedly a classy thing, why is the Art Fair catered by every Fried Meat and Funnel Cakery in the state?


Today I was supposed to sell the barely-functioning Crown Victoria to Ron, a man who owns a local garage. This involved the following steps:
  1. I drove to Murray's to get a new bottle of power steering fluid. The Crown Vic leaks power steering fluid like a cranky, incontinent old man leaks urine. So I guess this means I was buying urine for the old man sitting in the street outside my house.
  2. I went home and filled the Crown Vic with power steering fluid. The funnel I used dripped fluid on the front of the car, though. I didn't know if Ron would offer me less money if the car had some red stains on the front of it (I don't understand car people), so I figured this had to be fixed.
  3. I wiped fluid off the front of the car, put away the funnel, and put the leftover power steering fluid in the trunk for future use.
  4. I started the car and, to my surprise, realized the steering wheel would not turn. Turns out, Step 3 gave the power steering fluid enough time to leak out of my car.
  5. I filled the car with old man urine again.
  6. I jumped in the car and drove to Ron's Garage like it was some bizarre mission in a video game. "Drive your rusty noisebox to the garage while it's able to turn. The mission is failed when the fluid is gone and you've crashed into something. You may or may not be injured."
  7. The guy at Ron's Garage told me that Ron had gone home. Yesterday he told me he'd be there until 5. I got there a little after 4.
  8. I left the car at Ron's and walked home.
  9. I wrote out the steps in my blog.
  10. I included writing the list in the list itself because I'm so goddamn clever.
Getting rid of that dead car is exhausting. Maybe I would have been better off filling it with homeless people and driving it into a lake.

I don't even know why I typed that. It's just mean, and putting the homeless people in the car doesn't add anything to the car disposal process. Except maybe laughter.

I just mentally pictured homeless people being locked in my car and pushed into a lake. Then I pictured them growing gills and living happily at the bottom of the lake like the packaging for Sea Monkeys.

I wish that would really happen so I could justify dumping my vagrant-filled car into a body of water.

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